Tara Reddy
Project Director and Founder of AOP /AITP and award winning project director.
Tara is passionate about the benefits that participation in arts, culture and nature bring to the community and wellbeing. She leads this course designed to promote sustainability, inspiration from nature and to support local artists' creative practice; develop their skills in sharing knowledge and exhibiting their work.
Email: tara.reddy@artsonprescription.org
Meet the Artists

Lucy Brennan Shiel
Course Leader
Irish artist with a collaborative and interdisciplinary practice, working between Ireland where she grew up and England where she now lives. Since October 2023, Lucy has been a ful time PhD Doctoral Researcher at Loughborough University, where her research interests are James Joyce, Feminism and Drawing as Research based practice.

Craig Beeney
Local selt-taught outdoorsman, Craig, be sharing his wealth of knowledge over 3 engaging sessions. Gaining knowledge of foraging and also practical techniques as you use the knowledge learnt to create balms / soaps and more each session. Including hands-on activities allowing you to apply what you have learnt in a supportive and nurturing environment, and come to discover the lost art of foraging. Craig is also founder of the award winning Craig's Cabin Community Volunteers CIC.

Jane Higgenbottom
Jane Higgenbottom is an artist with an MA from Camberwell/Chelsea. She is a trained horticulturalist and teacher with over 20 years of experience working with community projects. Jane works with natural materIals in her art practice and sustainability is at the heart of her work. Her work teaching gardening and natural crafts links her ideas.

Emily Johns
Emily Johns studied geography at Durham University and immediately afterwards studied fine art at Goldsmiths, London. Pictures seemed to be the right medium in which to think about geography and environment. She is a master in printmaking technigues. As part of this project, we wil be looking at taking inspiration from trees and nature.

Georgina Fox
George is an artist who is passionate about sustainable art and wil be sharing her knowledge on making art materials sourced from the beach and the park on this project. Her recent exhibition 'Send in the Clowns' at St. Andrews Mews, Hastings, was received with great acclaim.

Tara MacDonald
I am a botanical artist who specialises in natural dyes with a practice local to Hastings. As well as running my own business I work as a teacher andfrequently run workshops in various aspects of textiles. Ia m also a gualitied horticulturist and worked for many years as a gardener and designer and have many years knowledge of the local flora.

Annabel O'Neill
Annabel is an illustrator and printmaker with a BA Hons in fine art printmaking and a Masters in sequential design illustration. She runs a small business called Box Room Press from her home studio, printing and designing colourful contemporary cards, prints and gift items.

Marta Munoz
Marta is an artist specialising in traditional hand drawings. Herwork has been used in a variety of ways including textile design, editorial and Public Art. Clients include Tate, Liberty, Harper Collins and The National Trust. She lives in Hastings but escapes back to Valencia as often as possible to smell the orange blossom.

Caroline Hughes
Caroline Hughes is a photographer with a special interest ni people and plants. She will be recording the Trees and Seas project and using skills learnt to develop her practice recording and working with locally sourced cut stems and plants.
Artists and Wellbeing Practitioners can be booked for a one off workshop or a series of workshops or they can be commissioned to run a longer specific bespoke project tailored to your needs.
contact to book or for more information on how we can accommodate your needs.